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Quotation, Poems & Shloks
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Matter 1

I cant honestly say that i was looking for u, 
And i doubt if u were looking for me, 
.......But it happened....... 
And here we are..... two people, 
Just happy being together, 
Not knowing where to go, 
But very sure, that wherever it is, 
We’ll be going there..... together.


Matter 2

I seem to have loved you in infinite forms, infinite times,
in life after life, in age after age forever.

~ Rabindarath Tagore


Matter 3

This day for us is special
A time beyond compare
The joy we feel deep in our hearts
We hope you will come and share
Your presence there with us
Means more than words can say
Please try to be there
To celebrate this special day


Matter 4

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.
Now you will feel no loneliness, for each of you will be a companion for the other.
Now you are two bodies, but there is only one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling place, to enter the days of your life together.
And may your days be good, and long upon this earth.
~Apache Wedding Prayer~


Matter 5

Geniuses of countless nations have told their love for generations.
Till all their memorable phrases are common as goldenrod or daisies.
Their girls have glimmered like the moon, Or shimmered like the summer moon, Stood like a lily, fled like a fawn, Now the sunset, now the dawn,
Here the princess in the tower, There the sweet forbidden flower.
Darling, when I look at you every aged phrase is new,
And there are moments when it seems I’ve married one of
Shakespeare’s dreams.


Matter 6

A Harmony of Hearts
Marriage is a Heavenly Alliance
A Harmony of Hearts,
Greater than the sum of its parts,
A Miracle of completion,
A Circle open to the sky,
A Prayerful partnership,
Stamped with Destiny's seal of approval,
In which opposites salute the other
In Eternity's deep embrace,
And together as One
Blend with the Light of
the Long Time Sun.


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